An individual, really young, has either fallen as a wean, or acted the goat when mobile to then... COLLAPSE THEIR OCCIPITAL BONE(COB) , which is from back of heid to neck. It's, all about the angled momentum. Occipital Bone Us, at the expansion seam(midpoint of Occipital Bone) . "external occipital crest" has opened up which allowed BM to fall down when I stood up. I can say with certainty, that you are all the same. That, certainty is down to human beings bones, being the same. (You should check out, the woman 2:1man,reason I've blogged) When BM fell, this then caused Thalamus and Hypothalamus, to be squeezed, lessening the flow of them. I actually experienced two water balloons, one big, then one small, squirting, when I stood up. This was they blatantly, ludicrously obvious, pair, FROM THE PROVEN MEDICAL LITERATURE.... Oaf:Obvious as fuck I suggest you all search Thalamus and Hypothalamus, functions.😳 The damage then heals, leaving friction points. This, due to ...
How to own MS, my way. Ive been dealing with MS for 43 year. Ive lived the cause. I've lived the result. Supplements are your friend.