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The genesis of , MS.

An individual, really young, has either fallen as a wean, or acted the goat when mobile to then... COLLAPSE THEIR OCCIPITAL BONE(COB) , which is from back of heid to neck. It's, all about the angled momentum. Occipital Bone Us, at the expansion seam(midpoint of Occipital Bone) . "external occipital crest" has opened up which allowed BM to fall down when I stood up. I can say with certainty, that you are  all the same. That, certainty is down to human beings bones, being the same. (You should check out, the woman 2:1man,reason I've blogged)  When BM fell, this then caused Thalamus and Hypothalamus, to be squeezed, lessening the flow of them. I actually experienced two water balloons, one big, then one small, squirting, when I stood up. This was they blatantly, ludicrously obvious, pair, FROM THE PROVEN MEDICAL LITERATURE.... Oaf:Obvious as fuck I suggest you all search Thalamus and Hypothalamus, functions.😳 The damage then heals, leaving friction points. This, due to ...


When COB:COLLAPSED OCCIPITAL BONE, which was once known as MS, is realised as the shambolic risky, hopeless, desperate, untreated, mmmmess(lol), it is? We can, then deal, with refilling Thalamus and Hypothalamus, with blood, using TKMS.  This would equate to the cerebellum unable to rub your individualistic, healed up friction points, from childhood. Now, we need to do this filling cumulatively, of that I'm sure. See, Hypothalamus from a search is, a 7g shortarse.  Small, but in charge of loads of stuff. Delicate. Easily damaged, even I can't even pour, some sawdust on it. 😒😏😑👨‍🔧 My part in this..... extravaganza. Is to voice, the ability to repair us, using my  learned  skills. Then, show any that care to know, how the centrifugal methodology works, to repair millions of MSers, using TKMS. There is risk, but its controllable. A damn sight lower risk than cutting you HSCT style, btw. That is then, about, hope. TKMS is...

Moving like a Raver

I've done the editing, needed, on my notes about repairing MS:MANUFACTURED SHITE. IT IS NOW UPTO FATE, TO CAST THE FORETOLD DAY. I'm quite happy, now, I've shared this incase something were to happen to me, be it, an accident or my Thalamus furring up, again. Https:// CD61d39daOYZyfGTc5hRpI6RWUbzurvI0/edit?usp=drivesdk @KeithCa41469726 


I've taken to following all followers. This is in my hopes that my fate will cast the foretold day. I'm derilling many, in the effort, but this had to be realised. I'm dead polite, but a belligerent tone, has been voiced. Apparently, I'm a good guy? ===== Hi 3:07 AM Hello May I help you? 9:18 AM Just here to chat if it okay with you I’m Tarra from Tallahassee Florida And you? 7:35 PM Tarra, you just made ma day 7:40 PM Hello Amanda, It's not my way to ignore anyone. I'm 20yrs Married. I'll talk to you as a new pal. Sorry if I appear rude. Scots like to be upfront. Seen Delete I get lots looking for my time. 7:42 PMim That^made me smile.  I have a daughter and hope she meets a genuine guy, as well as young  Tarra. ..  ...

Convo that's cheered me

Thanks for the likes. Yesterday, 6:50 PM You deserve the like! Great information you're putting out there. Talk more with you soon. 1:37 PM Cheers, dude. This bar steward has shaped me. I will end it. Nada/fuck all/job done. CLOSURE!