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Weight Control

weight control I used to be 15st 4lb ish. I am now 11st 6lbs. When first dx being a teletubby wasn't a big hassle, for me. Now, my falling about if I did  drink. I don't drink, per se, but momentum  would be a problem if I was big.  I don't miss it, Booze that is, So much so, It can kiss it. I may have fell in love wae espresso, though. My love is pain killing effect. My wife said last night "it's in your heid" "Naw it isnae" The effect is immediate. The drug, Gabapentin, is dished out to MSers. It turns you into a Zombie. Eventually.  My knowledge is from observations of users. Combined wae magnesium 450mg, espresso is the future you!! @KeithCa41469726

Try a way

Ma days are REPEAT/RAVE/SLEEP similar, test, learn,  from the change. The point I'm entrusting, are tried and tested. 1.If you drink espresso, with pk, yir pain levels will drop , more than th pk alone. 2. if you then take Magnesium Complex leg pain will then die. 3. If you do B12 6k lozenges x2 then fatigue will be pretty much gone. 4.If you bought  hemp oil rather than CBD off Amazon, you'd save a forลฅune.  5. If you took a B complex bits, numb areas would recover. 5. if you stay away fae white sugar(mainly)spasms, are no more. Less violent at least. The expense is perhaps an issue, but I can't do anything about that bit. @KeithCa41469726

False Confessions

False Confessions.  sometimes using a false wrong, will equal a true right. It is evident that this COB/MS reaky pish, has had millions of 22episode, series.  it wld take ages to do dl them all!!๐Ÿ˜† It had the same plรฒt but a wee bit different each episode. it quickly became boring. Bit like Corrie. Being able to say , for bloody sure, while using the medical books, what happened to me, which will be used for other crazy kids ,reversing their impact. using TKMS. That gives me a pleasing fluffy feeling inside. I've got goosebumps, at the thought. WOC:: WheelslofCommerce 2M/ Us 0 Hoist flag saying CONTROLLED, pleb. "NAW" we'll come back at you! WAE BIG LETTERS AND HEARTS. I'LL STICK WAE THE "TRUTH" 17 .5FT FLAG, TWEED BOY. @KEITHCA41469726 

Proof is there

Wit does he mean? Mans an arsewipe. Let me suffer in peace. Bet he knows nowt. Mans fookin finesse is impressive though. I invite the post mortem people to remove all BM, from a cadaver, whom had MS, to then feel inside the cadavers skull for the several friction points, at Occipital Bone|Magnum. I then ask same people's to go through that BM , to find flattened Thalamus and Hypothalamus. I then need yies to reread thesis 2 and help me repair many. Salt and vinegar, oan yir chips, Sir? @KeithCa41469726

Sound Mind

I haven't a Scooby  how to start. I have so much to say. So much to remember. So small aa brain cache. I'm separating my brain cycles. I've joost whacked up my techno. See if that worsens or improves it. If worse,or pisher, then alter the style to your tastes.Note and learn that sound can be a tool for you. Be it Perry Como or classical. Techno wld win hands btw. You, after a time of different styles, tou will learn "that gobshite wiz right" COBers , simply have yo learn like their days depend on it. "Ohhh" German hardtechno truly is brilliant... I love it. Like one of my kids. (This is that sensory confusion thing.(thalamus blog),or related to it at least. Ie flood the auditory senses,enables me to gain some kinda brain fog clearer!!!) …..A big bass speaker moving that fog. Ah dunno. I dont even care the why  but it works for me. I reckon volume increases the speed of the fan effect,too. Gie it a go. ...

The genesis of , MS.

An individual, really young, has either fallen as a wean, or acted the goat when mobile to then... COLLAPSE THEIR OCCIPITAL BONE(COB) , which is from back of heid to neck. It's, all about the angled momentum. Occipital Bone Us, at the expansion seam(midpoint of Occipital Bone) . "external occipital crest" has opened up which allowed BM to fall down when I stood up. I can say with certainty, that you are  all the same. That, certainty is down to human beings bones, being the same. (You should check out, the woman 2:1man,reason I've blogged)  When BM fell, this then caused Thalamus and Hypothalamus, to be squeezed, lessening the flow of them. I actually experienced two water balloons, one big, then one small, squirting, when I stood up. This was they blatantly, ludicrously obvious, pair, FROM THE PROVEN MEDICAL LITERATURE.... Oaf:Obvious as fuck I suggest you all search Thalamus and Hypothalamus, functions.๐Ÿ˜ณ The damage then heals, leaving friction points. This, due to ...


When COB:COLLAPSED OCCIPITAL BONE, which was once known as MS, is realised as the shambolic risky, hopeless, desperate, untreated, mmmmess(lol), it is? We can, then deal, with refilling Thalamus and Hypothalamus, with blood, using TKMS.  This would equate to the cerebellum unable to rub your individualistic, healed up friction points, from childhood. Now, we need to do this filling cumulatively, of that I'm sure. See, Hypothalamus from a search is, a 7g shortarse.  Small, but in charge of loads of stuff. Delicate. Easily damaged, even I can't even pour, some sawdust on it. ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿ”ง My part in this..... extravaganza. Is to voice, the ability to repair us, using my  learned  skills. Then, show any that care to know, how the centrifugal methodology works, to repair millions of MSers, using TKMS. There is risk, but its controllable. A damn sight lower risk than cutting you HSCT style, btw. That is then, about, hope. TKMS is...