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Loving your MS

I'm badgering about. Jùst came across a user who is n the place most wont want  to go back to. We've all been there.😯 Hating MS, stuck on the same track, uses energy.  It also causes internal heat, which makes you worse. Repeat,rave,repeat is about time. I feel for you, hence this. My way out of the cloud, was laughing at my situation. I voiced my angst, with a counsellor too. The gent said to me at one of the very last of our meetings. " You've told me what you have been through" I now spill my lonely wee heart to the mirror. I don't want to upset my family, yae see. Please try this., unnamed user. I invite you to treat it as s wee brother, you love, but don't like. @KeithCa41469726

Wit to do if too much caffeine.

Your blooď can only ingress water/caffeine/ESPRESSO an undetermined amount. (It's actually about half lives fyi) Now, and I've been here lots, hence I know wit to do about it . Drink loads water. Each wiz(pee) you'll be dumping caffeine. You'll notice that spasm number and intensity lessen each visit to the loo. I have an espresso at 3am, due to pain killing effect, if need be. I passed this info onto a lady with RHEUM. ARTHRITIS, on a flight out. On flight back we met again. She is now in love wae espresso, too.😉 "I've not taken much PK, this last week" I then suggested a Magnesium Complex, for her sore legs. Learn!! @KeithCa41469726

Omg. A doorstep caller.

:: 12/ now having doubts about Spinal Chord.For all COBers at least. I  now think, FOR THE MOST, that the limp brain,is trapped at the forced step,between Occipital  Bone to Magnum, after a collapse opened the midseam . I then think this could be the reason between Primary or eventual Seconda ry . Ie.  How flush the once forced bone,is healed,then determines the brains ability to either sit atop of the healed seam, indefinitely , or totally make it all the way to SC.. Now, this says, that Secondary is further lessening of flow of thalamus! . That then says that PrimaryPatient , has a flush healed seam. With little blood in thalamus, the brain is limp, enabling BM to slide to SC, if applicable. It's determined by the MOI:METHOD OF INJURY, of course, but the common splitting of EOC; External Occipital Crest for all, imo, is the same. @KeithCa41469726

"This gig needs drawinģs"

1. Normalish me can't draw. Now it is laughable, my control of  a pencil. So. I'll try maself n get Shorty in the mix. I'm determined  The drawing of what  I think is the parking of your brain. I am now doubting SC: Spinal Chord, involvement, for all COBers. Draw I  shall. FuckaDuck.  I see a thesis 3, For all to see, I will attempt this wish Even though my drawing is PISH. TBC and D, for Dolly Me. 🤔🤤😲 @KEITHCA41469726 

Hate the drug , not the mug.

Hate the drug , not the mug. I'm, in my constant attempt at SELF COUNSELLING, meeting the same thoùģht. " I fucking hate Avonex. Taking that muck was trying to show you'll fight this new MS pìsh" From jag 1,Will be forever memorable. 😐😲 12yr later It ate me.  Itchangedme. The drugs now will be the same÷÷. Now, I know wtf happened in lots more detail, again, due to 17.5 MTX? I'm kinda raging, at me for that choice, regarding Avonex. Double therapy . Wit were yae thinking, Keith? Interactions were wow. Nae option Keef. . . I'm no longer, what I was. To place me on Truth Road,once more? I havè to make me proud, of me. I need to impress the impressive. . . Even if he's deid!!! I need to blow the MS  world oot the water by sorting this  life wrecker oot, using ma past. That woulđ impress "Hen", my dad . He'd bob his deid heid!😎🤣 @KeithCa41469726

"Why, die, when you can meet the Sky"

"Yir self absorbed" I burst oot laughing when that one was thrown at me. "This is for your own Vanity " I'm trying to make this easier for many, which I have. This is a total must happen. It's for my deid dad,millions worldwide, and it's for better healthcare, for future COBers, too. What I have been through has to be used. If I didn't I'd never forgive myself. Ever. My heid is sore, mashed, crashed. AGAIN! @KeithCa41469726

Weight Control

weight control I used to be 15st 4lb ish. I am now 11st 6lbs. When first dx being a teletubby wasn't a big hassle, for me. Now, my falling about if I did  drink. I don't drink, per se, but momentum  would be a problem if I was big.  I don't miss it, Booze that is, So much so, It can kiss it. I may have fell in love wae espresso, though. My love is pain killing effect. My wife said last night "it's in your heid" "Naw it isnae" The effect is immediate. The drug, Gabapentin, is dished out to MSers. It turns you into a Zombie. Eventually.  My knowledge is from observations of users. Combined wae magnesium 450mg, espresso is the future you!! @KeithCa41469726