I don't know a lot, worth knowing. Except Engineering, I was gid at Marine Engineering, apparently. I circumnavigated at 19. Wooo. I worked like a twunt to get that job. That wiz robbed fae me. The rug was pulled fae under ma feet, so to speak! Oh aye. The cause of MS. I know that, because I've lived the bar steward. I didn't always know this, until my Thalamus flow, was increased due to injection of MTX:Methotrexate, and a memorised day, appeared over 3 injections at 17.5mg. "Pain Central" to those suffering, due to Thalamus being flattened, cant know this bit, except gogetit members of MS:ManufacturedShite gang, ive chosen to enlighten. Why would they? Hawd(hold) on a wee minute! Them Doctors should have joined the dots, like I have, SURELY. All the symptom, gumph, points to Thalamus and Hypothalamus? THE KNOWLEDGE IM SHARING , FOR FREE, MUCH TO MY WIVES ANGST, IS A PHYSICS PRINCIPLE. Fuckaduck, THATS, stuck in the muck. Its ma cl...
How to own MS, my way. Ive been dealing with MS for 43 year. Ive lived the cause. I've lived the result. Supplements are your friend.